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Getting started
Getting started
Lesson 1: Explorative search
Criteria for a problem formulation
Find who and what you are looking for
Too broad, too narrow, or o.k.?
Test your knowledge
Lesson 2: Problem formulation
Test your knowledge
Lesson 3: Research objectives
Test your knowledge
Lesson 4: Synopsis
Test your knowledge
Lesson 5: Meeting your supervisor
Getting started: summary
Literature search
Literature search
Lesson 1: Where to search
Searching for articles
Searching for Data
Databases provided by your library
Other useful search tools
Test your knowledge
Lesson 2: How to search
Free text, truncating and exact phrase
Combining search terms – Boolean operators
Keep track of your search strategies
Problems finding your search terms?
Test your knowledge
Lesson 3: Evaluating sources
Different sources, different evaluations
Extract by relevance
Test your knowledge
Lesson 4: Obtaining literature
Literature search: summary
Research methods
Research methods
Lesson 1: Qualitative and quantitative methods
Combining qualitative and quantitative methods
Collecting data
Analysing data
Strengths and limitations
Test your knowledge
Lesson 2: Empirical studies
Explanatory, analytical and experimental studies
Strengths and limitations
Test your knowledge
Lesson 3: Reviews
The Nature of Secondary Data
How to Conduct a Systematic Review
Test your knowledge
Lesson 4: Policy Research
Directional Policy Research
Strategic Policy Research
Operational Policy Research
Conducting Research Evaluation
Test your knowledge
Research Methods: Summary
Project management
Project management
Lesson 1: Project Initiation
Project budgeting
Test your knowledge
Lesson 2: Project planning
Data management plan
Quality Control
Test your knowledge
Lesson 3: Project execution
Project control
Project management: Summary
Writing process
Writing process
Lesson 1: Structure your thesis
Title page, abstract, foreword, abbreviations, table of contents
Introduction, methods, results
Discussion, conclusions, recomendations, references, appendices, layout
Test your knowledge
Lesson 2: Avoid plagiarism
Use citations correctly
Use references correctly
Bibliographic software
Test your knowledge
Writing process – summary
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