Project management: Summary

While the pure scientific work is the main focus, implementation of a research project requires actually a lot of more practically oriented tasks to take care of.

Project Management

In the current module you have been introduced to the following tasks:

  • Project initiation includes preparation of a rough time plan with start and end dates for each activity that ensures you reach the goal in time. An overview of needed material and human resources will help you to prepare a rough budget.
  • The project planning is made just before data collection and includes more detailed time and resource planning, recruitment of participants/staff and translation of e.g. protocols to the local language. You should also plan how to manage your data confidentially and safe so nothing is lost. Particular emphasis should be given to quality control both during collection and after they are recorded.
  • In the project execution particular focus should be given to ensure proper contracting of staff, revisions of protocols with the field staff and selection of the right groups of participants. And remember that ethical clearance of questionnaires may take more than 3 months! Tight monitoring of progress is necessary in order to check that you work on the right scope, keep time and budget, manage risks and keep everyone satisfied.