Databases provided by your library
Your university library can provide you with numerous databases that may be relevant for your research and can contain both articles and other types of literature. Some of the most relevant are introduced below. To access these, search the library catalogue or find a link on the library home page. You will need to log in with your library ID to access these databases.
Embase is a biomedical and pharmaceutical database produced by Elsevier containing over 25 million entries from 1974-. Among these are references from Medline (20 million) that have been assigned keywords from Embase’s own subject headings. Embase contains articles from over 2,000 journals (mainly European) that aren’t included in Medline, as well as over 600,000 abstracts from over 2000 conferences since 2009. (SDU does not currently subscribe to Embase)
PsycINFO is an abstract database that provides systematic coverage of the psychological literature from the 1800s to the present. PsycINFO contains bibliographic citations, abstracts, cited references, and descriptive information for a wide variety of scholarly publications in the behavioral and social sciences.
Save time combining searches using several databases using the Ovid user interface:

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature containing references from over 19,000 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers in the following fields: scientific, technical, medical and social sciences fields and arts and humanities. All of Medline is included in Scopus.
Web of Science
Bibliography which contains the following databases: Science Citation Index from 1900-, Social Sciences Citation Index from 1956-, Arts & Humanities Citation Index from 1975-. Can be used for citation searches. Web of Science can be very useful for multidisciplinary searches.
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