Test your knowledge on Literature search
- Do you really know where to search?
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Question 1 |
Which of these databases is free to use from anywhere?
A | PubMed |
B | Scopus |
C | Embase |
Question 2 |
What is library.dk?
A | A web site where users can share information about their personal book collections. |
B | The joint library catalog for all public libraries in Denmark |
C | A website which sells used library books |
Question 3 |
What is the difference between Google and Google Scholar?
A | Google Scholar has a monthly subscription fee and Google is free. |
B | Google Scholar is owned by a non-profit organization whereas Google is owned by a multi-national corporation. |
C | Google Scholar contains mainly scientific information whereas Google tries to find everything on the internet. |
Question 4 |
What is a NCBI account?
A | a personalization service in Pubmed where you can save your search strategies and set up alerts. |
B | An account at the National Collection of Books and Information which provides you with free access to literature. |
C | The service “No Cookies, Bad Internet” which stops cookies from being stored on your computer. |
Question 5 |
Which feature makes Pubmed particularly good?
A | Full access to all articles |
B | Extended abstracts |
C | Professional keywords |
Question 6 |
When you search for a keyword in pubmed it displays all articles which includes…
A | Both shorter and longer versions of the same word |
B | The word translated to either of 148 languages |
C | All subsidiary Mesh terms |
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- Do you now how to find what you are searching?
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Question 1 |
Which search will normally give the most results (you may perform the search in PubMed if you want.)
A | cancer AND diet |
B | cancer OR diet |
C | cancer NOT diet |
Question 2 |
Which search will normally give you the least results? Note: placing quotes around a word, searches for items that contain the exact phrase.
A | “public health” |
B | public OR health |
C | public AND health |
Question 3 |
Which search will normally give you the most results. Note adding a * to the end of a word expands the search to include all word combinations that start with letters provided before the *
A | chemi* |
B | chemical OR chemicist OR cheminova |
C | chemistry AND chemicals AND chemicopharmacological |
Question 4 |
Look up the “psychotic disorders” using the MeSH Database. Examine the MeSH tree showing the hierarchy of terms. Which MeSH term will provide you with the most results:
A | Psychotic Disorders |
B | Schizophrenia and Disorders with Psychotic Features |
C | Psychoses, Substance-Induced |
Question 5 |
Look up “disaster medicine” in the Mesh Database.
Which year was this term introduced?
A | 1968 |
B | 1979 |
C | 2008 |
Question 6 |
What does checking the box ““Restrict to MeSH Major Topic" do to your search
A | It limits to article mainly about that Mesh Topic and I get fewer results |
B | It expands my search to include related terms and I get more results |
C | It limits my search to articles containing my Mesh term in the title and I get fewer results. |
Question 7 |
Which search term do you use in Pubmed if you want investigations in any European country
A | "European countries" |
B | Europe[MESH] |
C | Europe* or Europe? |
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- Do you know how to evaluate sources?
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Question 1 |
What does .gov mean in an internet domain name?
A | American goverment resource |
B | Official pages from governments |
C | Pages only accessible through government IP addresses |
Question 1 Explanation:
Yes, .gov means that the internet domain is an American goverment resource.
Question 2 |
Which site would you generally consider more trustworthy?
A | .com |
B | .int |
C | .org |
Question 3 |
Which type of publisher is Morris Publishing (www.morrispublishing.com)
A | An academic publisher of books mainly about the social sciences |
B | A self-publishing company where anyone can publish their own books |
C | A publisher of academic texbooks about various topics |
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